The Workshop

Advanced composition and improvisation concepts

The workshop is a monthly online group meeting that provides a space to share your own music and playing with others. Based on the month’s topic, each member (myself included) creates a new piece of music. We then meet to listen and discuss each members submission.

In addition to the class, special discounted private lessons are offered to members.

Each class is based on a video introducing a new topic. Topics are advanced and often unusual composition, improvisation and theoretical concepts. Members are assigned to create a work of their own implementing the concepts in the video. This can be anything from a short phone video to a recorded full length song.

Topic and student submission excerpts can be found HERE.


Starting at $30

View Here

Tutorials only

Starting at $7

Members are also able to schedule discounted private lessons. View HERE for details

The Class Topics Excerpts Prices FAQ


Can anyone join this class?

No, unfortunately. For the most part, it’s by invite. If I did not send you this link, please just send me a message and I’ll let you know.

What level should I be to join?  

A high level of playing is a plus, but isn’t totally necessary. What’s important is your grasp on theory in order to follow topics and discussions. The class has a wide range of levels and styles, but everyone has shared interests in improvisation and composition. 

If I emailed you a link to this page, then you’re level is appropriate.

When do classes take place? 

Classes take place once per month on Sundays. Please email me at to receive the most up to date schedule.

What if I can't attend a certain class?  

When not able to attend the actual class, members still send in music which is played to the class. Members also receive a video of the class.

What if I can only commit for a few months?  

You can cancel and rejoin the Patreon membership at any time. You can also purchase just 1 class at a time.

How many people are in the class?  

Usually no more than 10 people are in the actual zoom meeting.   

Can I find these videos and tutorials elsewhere?

Full-length tutorials are not released publicly.

Email any additional questions to  

If you’d like to support the music, but not join the class at this time, visit

The Class Topics Excerpts Prices FAQ

Topic Excerpts

Student Submission Excerpts